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Pet Plate Pyramid: The Foundations of Balanced Pet Nutrition

Pet Plate Pyramid: The Foundations of Balanced Pet Nutrition

A balanced diet is the key to a healthy life. This is also true in the case of pets who are your active and furry companions. The development, body weight maintenance, and active lifestyle make a well-rounded diet inevitable for them. Moreover, in the case of fur babies, they need nutrition for better coat health.

Usually, pet parents feed their pets with natural or processed food. Packed food items are a good option considering the scientifically balanced mixture of proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, and other nutrients. The optimum size of protein molecules is limited to less than 10000 Daltons in these processed food made for pets. As a result these food choices doesn’t cause any allergies on your little companions. This is why pet services in Dubai often recommend dry or wet foods for them. 

However, it is also important to read the manufacturer-provided information on the packet of processed pet food. Because the nutritional component of each packet may be tailored to different age groups. 

Yes, it must be confusing to choose the right pet diet. However, it is a responsibility to be a pet parent. 

Here are some insights into the basic choices of a balanced diet for pets.

Essential Nutrient for Pets

  • Proteins: Muscle development and Immune Functions demand protein intake. Meat, Fish, and Eggs are the best protein sources. 
  • Carbohydrates: It is the primary energy source. Whole grains, vegetables and fruits can add carbohydrates to the diet. They are also sources of fibers that are essential for better digestion.
  • Fats: They are needed for energy, nutrition absorption, and better coat health. Fish and Meat that contain fatty acids are recommendable for optimum fat intake.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamins are essential for immune support, bone health, and vision. They can be supplemented through the intake of fruits and vegetables. 

Minerals such as calcium, phosphorous, and iron are also necessary for bone development, nerve function, and metabolic processes. Meat and Fish are recommended sources. If the physician diagnoses a deficiency of these minerals prescribed supplements can be provided.

  • Water: It is essential for hydration, digestion, and temperature regulation. Dry gums, decreased urine and lethargy are symptoms of dehydration in your pets. This is a situation that demands urgent attention from pet services in Dubai.

Choosing and preparing a pet diet using these many sources might appear to be a challenge. Fortunately expert veterinary doctors highly recommend processed foods as an alternative as they are appropriate for the highly developed olfactory senses of your fur babies. 

Understanding Pet Dietary Requirements

The nutrients required for pets vary according to their age group. Puppies require more protein and calorie-rich diets for growth and development. In the case of senior pets, they need a diet for joint health and better mobility. This can include a diet higher in fiber with enough protein and fat. Adult pets need food enough to maintain weight and a healthy coat. 

Upon buying packed food please ensure that it is appropriate for your pet’s age group. It can be understood by going through the product description. 

Common Pet Dietary Challenges

Diabetes, Obesity, and kidney problems are the most common problems in pets that need special diets. Special diets such as calorie-restricted ones or foods with low glycaemic index must be preferred for pets with obesity or diabetes respectively. It is always better to act as directed by the veterinary doctor considering the risks involved. 

The inevitable role of water 

Even though the role of water has been discussed already this is an important element for your pet as their temperature regulation depends on the level of hydration. So it is necessary to provide enough water sources. Water Fountains or multiple containers of water can be provided at multiple locations. Factor in the environmental conditions to give additional attention to their water requirements. With the desert climate of the UAE, it is recommended to stay alert to their water needs.

The nutritional requirements, age-appropriate dietary needs, common pet dietary challenges, and the inevitable role of water in the plate pyramid of pets have been discussed. However, consulting with pet services in Dubai is essential to plan the best diet for their wellbeing. 

Canadian Veterinary Clinic in Dubai with a team of experts as well as animal lovers is here to assist you in this challenging journey of yours. We have qualified professionals who have volunteered to share the responsibility of many pet parents. 

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